Residential Field, 11,372m2, Pigenia, Nicosia

Property Code: PIR354

166.950 €

  • Property Characteristics

  • Planning Zone

  • Other Characteristics

11372 Sq. M.


The property located in Pigenia village in the district of Nicosia, approximately 350west of the Kato Pyrgos to Pigenia main road. It has irregular shape, sloping morphology and offers nice views to the surrounding areas.

Subject to VAT

Plot: 133
Planning Zone: H4 & Γ3
Plan Sheet: 18/36
Coverage Ratio: 10%
Height: 8,30m
Registration Number: 0/6460
Number of Floors: 2
Building Ratio: 10%

Legal Characteristics

The property falls into Residential Zone H4 (48%) with maximum building ratio of 40%, coverage ratio 25% on two floors and maximum height of 8,30m and in Agricultural Zone Γ3 (52%) with maximum building ratio of 10%, coverage ratio 10% on two floors and maximum height of 8,30m. The asset is landlocked.

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