Industrial Field of 50,837m2 at Ypsonas, Limassol

Property Code: PIR231

630.000 €

  • Property Characteristics

  • Planning Zone

  • Other Characteristics

50,837 Sq. M.


The property located at Ypsonas municipality approximately 800m from Agios Sylas industrial zone. The property has irregular shape, slightly sloping surface and abuts on non-registered road.

Plot: 74
Planning Zone: Βδ4 & Γγ1 & Δα3
Plan Sheet: 53/31
Coverage Ratio: 60%
Height: 7,00m
BlockTitle: 0
Registration Number: 0/19321
Number of Floors: 2
Building Ratio: 80% & 30% & 5%

Legal Characteristics

The property lies within planning zone Γγ1 (Agricultural) at a ratio of 18%, at planning zone Δα3 (Protection) at a ratio of 35% and at planning zone Βδ4 (Industrial) at a ratio of 47%. The property lies within planning zone Γγ1 with a maximum building ratio of 30%, on 2 floors and height 7,00m, in planning zone Βδ4  with a maximum building ratio of 80%, maximum coverage ratio of 60%, on 2 floors and height 7,00m and in planning zone Δα3 with a maximum building ratio of 5%, maximum coverage ratio of 5%, on 2 floors and height 7,00m. The asset is landlocked.