Commercial Field of 870m2 at Strovolos, Nicosia

Property Code: PIR313

639.450 €

  • Property Characteristics

  • Planning Zone

  • Other Characteristics

870 Sq. M.


The property located in Strovolos municipality within Nicosia District. It abuts onto Spyrou Kyprianou Avenue along its southern border with a frontage of 36m and onto Nazoraiou street along its southern border with a frontage of 8,00m.

It has irregular shape and flat surface.

Subject to VAT

Plot: 3364
Planning Zone: Εβ4 (Commercial)
Plan Sheet: 30/06W2
Coverage Ratio: 50%
Height: 17,00m
BlockTitle: 9
Registration Number: 0/7912
Number of Floors: 4
Building Ratio: 140%

Legal Characteristics

The property falls into Commercial Zone Eβ4 with a maximum building ratio of 140%, coverage ratio of 70%, on 4 floors and maximum height of 17,00m.