Residential field of 5,221m² in PARALIMNI, AMMOCHOSTOS

Property Code: PIR602

546.000 €

  • Property Characteristics

  • Planning Zone

  • Other Characteristics

5,221 Sq. M.


The asset located in Paralimni approximately 650m southeast from Tasos Markou football stadium and abuts on Agiou Thoma street.

 The asset has rectangular shape, smooth and flat surface.

Subject to VAT

Plot: 88
Planning Zone: Κα8
Plan Sheet: 0/2-290-378
Coverage Ratio: 35%
Height: 8,30
BlockTitle: 13
Registration Number: 0/5862
Number of Floors: 2
Building Ratio: 60%

Legal Characteristics

The property lies within Planning Zone Κα8 (Residential) with a maximum building ratio of 60%, coverage ratio of 35%,

on 2 floors and maximum height of 8,30m.