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Corporate Governance
Board of Directors Committees
- Audit Committee
The Audit Committee consists of 3 Νon-Εxecutive Members, of whom all are Ιndependent. The main responsibilities of the Audit Committee are:
- Τo monitor and assess the adequacy and effectiveness of the Internal Control System.
- To submit proposals for the resolution of any weaknesses in the Internal Control System.
- To monitor the implementation of measures that have been decided by the Board of Directors.
- To evaluate the work of the Internal Audit unit.
- To submit proposals to the Board of Directors for the selection or replacement of the external auditors.
The members of the Committee are:
1. Costas Partassides, Chairperson - Independent Director
2. Maria Dionyssiades, Member - Senior Independent Director
3. William J. Gallagher, Member - Independent Director
4. Natasa Pilides, Member - Independent Director
- Risk Management Committee
Τhe Risk Management Committee consists of four Non-Executive Members with sufficient knowledge and expertise in risk management. All members of the Committee are Independent. The main responsibilities of the Risk Management Committee are:
- Τo develop the Bank’s strategy with regard to risk taking and capital management.
- To assess the adequacy of the Bank’s risk management policy.
- To evaluate the effectiveness of the Bank’s Risk Management unit.
- Τo submit proposals to the Board of Directors on relevant matters.
The members of the Committee are:
Maria Dionyssiades, Chairperson - Senior Independent Director
William J. Gallagher, Member - Independent Director
- Yiangos Demetriou, Member - Independent Director
- Natasa Pilides, Member - Independent Director
- Nomination and Remuneration Committee
The Nomination and Remuneration Committee consists of 3 Non-Executive Members two of which are Independent. The main responsibilities of the Nomination and Remuneration Committee are:
- To develop, periodically review and monitor the implementation of the Bank’s remuneration policy.
- To assess the composition and performance of the Board of Directors.
- Τo submit proposals to the Board of Directors for the selection, renewal or replacement of members of the Board of Directors.
The members of the Committee are:
1. Costas Partassides, Chairperson- Independent Director
2. Michalakis Sarris, Member – Independent Director
3. Bassam Diab - Member - Non Executive Director
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